






نبذة عني: Hello people! I'm Joshua, a 23-year-old auditor by day, and fetishist by night. As a fun-loving kinky switch I am comfortable with being a harsh latex domme but also with being someones wrapped up plaything <3. I'm really excited about getting into the fascinating realms of latex, gas masks, dollification, and bondage. Thats why I am here to connect, share experiences, and explore these desires together with you all. Oh, and I love capturing the beauty of other people's kink through photography which means I am always down to partake in photshoots . While on the topic, due to the sensitive nature of my work, I wish to remain anonymous in the content that includes me, which means either by wearing a latex hood or a gas mask. <3 Let’s connect, share experiences, and explore our desires together! Outside of the kink I am a pretty normal geek, I love video games and chess but I am also an outdoorsy person. In the former department I am really into Stellaris as of recently but I also enjoy classics like AoE 2 and Valve games. In my free time I also like playing rugby as well as golf! Recently I´ve also been getting interested in diving so thats something I´m also going to be doing. For thoses of you to whom I seem familiar I have deleted some socials about 4 months ago due to some personal beef, but I am back stronger and kinkier than ever ;P. I am also on FetLife with lots more content!

نبذة عني

Hello people! I'm Joshua, a 23-year-old auditor by day, and fetishist by night.

As a fun-loving kinky switch I am comfortable with being a harsh latex domme but also with being someones wrapped up plaything <3.

I'm really excited about getting into the fascinating realms of latex, gas masks, dollification, and bondage. Thats why I am here to connect, share experiences, and explore these desires together with you all.
Oh, and I love capturing the beauty of other people's kink through photography which means I am always down to partake in photshoots . While on the topic, due to the sensitive nature of my work, I wish to remain anonymous in the content that includes me, which means either by wearing a latex hood or a gas mask. <3
Let’s connect, share experiences, and explore our desires together!

Outside of the kink I am a pretty normal geek, I love video games and chess but I am also an outdoorsy person.
In the former department I am really into Stellaris as of recently but I also enjoy classics like AoE 2 and Valve games.

In my free time I also like playing rugby as well as golf! Recently I´ve also been getting interested in diving so thats something I´m also going to be doing.

For thoses of you to whom I seem familiar I have deleted some socials about 4 months ago due to some personal beef, but I am back stronger and kinkier than ever ;P.

I am also on FetLife with lots more content!
التوجه إلى الملف الشخصي

JoshyTheDoll معلومات شخصية

كيف أبدو

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    5 قدم 71 إنش (181 سم)

JoshyTheDoll فيديوهات مثلي صناع المحتوى

موقع xHamster هو موقع للبالغين فقط!

المحتوى المتاح على xHamster قد يحتوي على مواد إباحية.

يقتصر xHamster بشكل صارم على الأشخاص الذين تزيد أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا أو من السن القانونية في نطاق سلطتك القضائية، أيهما أكبر.

أحد أهدافنا الأساسية هو مساعدة الآباء على تقييد الوصول إلى xHamster للقاصرين، لذلك لدينا تأكد من أن xHamster متوافق تمامًا مع قانون RTA (مقصور على البالغين) وسيظل كذلك. وهذا يعني أنه يمكن حظر الوصول إلى الموقع عن طريق أدوات الرقابة الأبوية البسيطة. من المهم أن يتخذ الآباء والأوصياء المسؤولون الخطوات اللازمة لمنع القاصرين من الوصول إلى المحتوى غير المناسب عبر الإنترنت، وخاصة المحتوى المقيد بالفئة العمرية.

يجب على أي شخص لديه قاصر في منزله أو تحت إشرافه تنفيذ الرقابة الأبوية الأساسية وسائل الحماية، بما في ذلك أجهزة الكمبيوتر وإعدادات الجهاز، أو تثبيت البرامج، أو خدمات تصفية مزود خدمة الإنترنت، لمنع القاصرين من الوصول إلى المحتوى غير المناسب.

تساعدنا ملفات تعريف الارتباط في تقديم خدماتنا. باستخدام موقعنا الإلكتروني، أنت توافق على استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط. معرفة المزيد