Entertaining certain friends during the day is a favorite pastime for my wife when she is working from home a few days a week. Some clients are friends who have enjoyed some excellent pussy while conducting business in real estate with her. She often calls it “sealing a deal” and the enjoyable sex just happens to be a perk that some friends are privileged to. I suppose that discharging a cum load in a woman’s vagina after signing a few papers is a fitting end to a “deal” and one that is most likely greatly appreciated. This is especially y true because my wife is tall and sexy and absolutely gorgeous for a woman in her mid-forties. What makes her so great as a lover is her penchant for accepting a lover’s cum in her pussy and they all oblige her desire for it.
Omg she looks just like who I'm fucking now...after 45 fucking older married women has been like shooting fish in a barrel and I'm talking average women...not going to bars or clubs. They want someone reasonably fit to fuck and they just want fucked more.