In that short plane you can only see a hand touching a penis. There is no way to say the hand is Mora's. In fact, if I had to bet, I'd say that it wasn't her. Anyway, male nudity wasn't common at all in that era, but some films contained it, so I don't think spectators would be shocked. Amused, yes; but not shocked. In this scene, sara mora holds a penis for a brief second. This seems to be the only such bold scene in this movie or anywhere else in her entire career, no hardcore or explicit nudity elsewhere. She seems to be a decent and respectful actress, but don't understand why she did such an explicit scene, although for a brief second. How is this viewed in spanish society?, is this common and no big deal?
Spanish comedians Andrés Pajares and Fernando Esteso, from the era known as "el destape" (the undressing would be an approximate translation). Films of that era (around the late 70s, after the lifting of Franco's censorship) would often include a large number of naked women, but no real sex scenes (at most, a hand touching a tit or an ass cheek). This is definitely not a porn film.
In this scene, sara mora holds a penis for a brief second. This seems to be the only such bold scene in this movie or anywhere else in her entire career, no hardcore or explicit nudity elsewhere. She seems to be a decent and respectful actress, but don't understand why she did such an explicit scene, although for a brief second. How is this viewed in spanish society?, is this common and no big deal?